Botox on Jowls Before and After in 2024: The Complete Guide

Jowls refer to the loose, hanging skin that forms below the chin and along the jawline due to aging, genetics, or gravity. This common concern affects both men and women, causing them to appear older than they are.

Fortunately, there has been a rise in non-surgical treatments such as Botox and fillers to effectively target jowls without invasive procedures.

This article aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of two popular non-surgical treatments – Botox and fillers – for addressing jowls.

By comparing before and after pictures, readers can gain a better understanding of which option may suit their individual needs and goals.

Whether looking to achieve a subtle change or noticeably tighter skin, this comprehensive guide offers valuable insights into the world of cosmetic enhancement for jowls.

Understanding Jowls

As people age, several factors contribute to the development of jowls, leading to a less defined jawline.

Genetic predisposition, weight fluctuations, and environmental elements play a role in the formation of jowls. Specifically, collagen depletion caused by aging weakens the skin’s elasticity, resulting in jowls.

Furthermore, excessive exposure to sunlight damages the skin and accelerates the aging process, making jowls more prominent.

There are various types of jowls, ranging from mild to severe cases. Some individuals experience minimal looseness in the skin below the jawline, while others exhibit extensive tissue descent towards the neck area.

Depending on the severity of the condition, appropriate treatment methods vary.

While this article primarily focuses on injectable treatments like Botox and fillers, other non-injectable therapies exist.

Devices employing radiofrequency energy, ultrasound technology, and laser therapy aim to stimulate collagen production, providing a minor lift to the jowls.

However, these techniques often require multiple sessions and yield limited results compared to injectables.

Botox for Jowls

When it comes to reducing jowls, Botox is an increasingly popular choice among patients seeking non-surgical options.

Botox functions by relaxing targeted facial muscles, smoothing out dynamic wrinkles, and creating a refreshed youthful appearance.

One particular technique involves administering Botox to the masseter muscle, a large muscle located in the lower jaw responsible for biting and chewing motions.

By relaxing this muscle, Botox helps sculpt the jawline, improving definition and reducing sagging associated with jowls.

The benefits of Botox for jowls extend beyond enhanced jawline definition and decreased sagging; the treatment also delivers refined jowl lines, diminishing the appearance of deep creases and folds.

Moreover, before and after comparisons illustrate notable improvements in jowl fullness and shape following Botox injections.

However, it’s essential to acknowledge Botox’s limitations for managing jowls. Since Botox doesn’t add volume but instead addresses muscle activity, it cannot restore lost volume or eliminate jowls.

Additionally, Botox only produces temporary results lasting approximately three months, requiring regular maintenance appointments to maintain optimal outcomes.

Despite these constraints, Botox remains a viable solution for numerous candidates wishing to minimize jowls without resorting to surgical interventions.

When expertly applied by experienced professionals, Botox safely and efficiently enhances the jawline, delivering satisfying results.

Fillers for Jowls

Dermal fillers serve as another effective non-surgical intervention for managing jowls through volumizing and plumping the skin. They consist of gel-like substances injected beneath the skin’s surface, filling out hollow areas and restoring lost volume.

Various types of fillers cater to diverse clientele, with hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers being particularly suitable for jowls due to their ability to attract moisture and mimic natural facial contours. Collagen fillers represent another category, although their usage has waned since HA fillers gained prominence.

By strategically placing fillers in the mid-face region, providers can elevate sagging jowls, accentuate the jawline, and attenuate marionette lines, thereby achieving a revitalized visage. Carefully selected fillers harmoniously blend with surrounding tissues, producing aesthetically pleasing outcomes.

However, fillers come with their own set of drawbacks.

An excess of product risks overfilling, potentially distorting facial features. Similarly, unstable fillers may migrate from their intended location, undermining desired enhancements.

Like Botox, fillers produce transitory impacts, necessitating periodic replenishment to preserve optimal results. Although priced higher than Botox per session, judicious utilization of fillers allows practitioners to accomplish holistic facial transformations.

Before and after photographs demonstrate remarkable advancements achieved via the skilled employment of fillers for jowls, emphasizing the significance of choosing knowledgeable professionals for such treatments.

Comparing Botox and Fillers for Jowls

Below is a table summarising the primary variations between Botox and fillers for jowls:

CostGenerally cheaper than fillersMore expensive than Botox
Treatment TimeQuick (10-15 minutes)Typically longer (30 minutes or more)
DowntimeMinimal (redness, swelling, bruising)Minimal (redness, swelling, bruising)
ResultsGradual onset within daysInstantaneous improvement
LongevityUp to 4 monthsUp to 1 year

Individuals contemplating Botox versus fillers for jowls should base their decision upon distinct factors. Those prioritizing affordability, expediency, and conservative modification may find Botox preferable. Meanwhile, individuals desiring immediate transformation, willing to invest more financially, and open to experiencing slight inconvenience during treatment might opt for fillers. Ultimately, selecting the ideal option depends on personal priorities and objectives.

Filler for Sagging Jowls Before and After

Before undergoing any cosmetic procedure, it is natural to wonder what the results will look like.

Middle-age jowls can be treated easily, many patients get injected with derma fillers in their mid-30s, as your body starts to lose collagen around age 30 so it’s a perfect age for getting fillers.

Here, a cosmetic doctor, Dr. Toro Ogundoyin performed a Jowl treatment on a young lady who was a perfect candidate for derma fillers.

Here are some before and after photos and a video of individuals who have had filler for jowls:

Source: Reflections Cosmetic Center

The treatment is typically performed by injecting the filler into the cheeks and jawline.

The results are often immediately visible and can last for several months to a year, depending on the type of filler used.

Source: Dr. Yusra

It is important to note that fillers are not a permanent solution, and touch-up treatments may be needed to maintain the desired results.

A before-and-after assessment by a qualified professional is essential to ensure satisfaction and safety.

How Much Do Cheek Fillers Cost?

The cost of cheek fillers depends on the filler units injected (cost per syringe), the type of fillers, and how much volume is required. As you age there will be more marionette lines and saggy jowls, and the more will the cost.

Cost of Other Cheek Fillers:

  • Hyaluronic Acid (HA) fillers cost about $684 (Per Syringe)
  • Polylactic Acid (Sculptra) fillers can cost you around $853 (Per Syringe)
  • Bellafill (PMMA) fillers cost about $1,058 (Per Syringe)

Many patients require more than one syringe of fillers. However, the average cost for normally used derma fillers ranges between $2,500 & $4,000.


Will cheek filler lift my jowls?

Cheek fillers can lift jowls and restore the lost volume around the corners of the mouth, fillers can also treat marionette lines and wrinkles and improve the appearance of your lower face.

Where do you put the filler to lift jowls?

Cosmetic surgeons put fillers in the lower third (mid-face) to lift jowls and lift your cheekbones. It’s a non-surgical treatment that adds volume to the face and improves your jawline (overall facial structure).

Do cheek fillers lift the face?

As we age, we lose elasticity in our skin and skin becomes saggy. The cheek fillers help to lift the face, reduce fine lines, remove sagginess and tiredness from the face, and give us a younger appearance with a contoured face shape.

What is the best procedure for sagging jowls?

The best procedure for sagging jowls is to get a mini neck lift. It works better for saggy jowls, reduces double chin, and improves the wrinkled neck, other procedures include jawline PDO threads.

Last Words

Filler for jowls can be an effective way to lift sagging skin along the jawline and create a more youthful appearance.

If you’re considering this procedure, be sure to do your research and find an experienced injector who can help you achieve the best possible results.

With the right treatment plan, you can enjoy a more lifted, rejuvenated appearance without the need for invasive surgery.

Dr. Beverly Hillsrn

Dr. Beverly Hills is a highly skilled and experienced Cosmetic and body Aesthetic Surgeon known for her exceptional expertise in the field of cosmetic surgery.With a passion for enhancing the natural beauty of her patients, Dr. Beverly Hills has earned a reputation for delivering outstanding results with an artistic approach to aesthetics.

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